
8 Ways To Use Instagram For Organic Marketing(Insta Boost)

Instagram has grown rapidly in the past few years and has established itself as one of the most powerful social media networks in the world. If you aren’t yet using Instagram to market your business, you should probably take some time to consider whether or not you are missing out on a major opportunity to reach new customers and grow your business at an exponential rate. You will learn about eight ways to use Instagram for organic marketing below!

1) Hashtags

Using hashtags effectively is important if you want to get your content in front of as many people as possible. That being said, don’t overdo it; more than two hashtags per post can actually decrease engagement.

The average Instagram user will see about 2,000 posts per day on their feed; that means every tag needs to be concise and relevant for you to have a shot at gaining any new followers from it.

That also means you need to spread your tags out evenly—one or two in every post, depending on how many photos you upload—so they’re all seen by users who are scrolling down their feeds.

2) Describe What’s In The Image

Instagram is a visual app, so why not take advantage of that? Put a photo in your Instagram bio that describes what you want to do for clients. If you’re a web designer, show off your web designs. If you’re an SEO expert, show off your search rankings.

Instagram For Organic Marketing : If you’re starting an ecommerce store, include an image of your product. Or just include a simple phrase like website design and marketing or online marketing services.

Anything that lets people know what they can expect from following you is worth including in your bio—and doing so gives them a preview of what they will see when scrolling through their Instagram feed!

3) Create A CTA

Call-to-action buttons are critical to sales, and you don’t want to miss out on one of Instagram’s primary features—photos. Instagram photos function just like links by allowing users to tap and view a website when they’re done viewing a photo.

So, you can use text overlays or clickable emojis (clickable images) in your photos for visitors to find more information about your product. If you have great products, people will love using your Instagram for organic marketing by using your website as an outlet for relevant content related to them! It is all up to you what content works best with your business model.

4) Follow Industry Leaders

There’s no better way to get your audience excited about your product than to get them talking. Ask your customers questions, like What do you use Instagram for? or How does Instagram make you feel? Customers will be eager to engage and will love that you asked their opinion—it makes them feel valued and important.

You can also ask them what they wish Instagram did better, as long as it’s not a feature you plan on implementing any time soon. At a minimum, comments like these will help inform your content strategy moving forward; at best, they might spark some new product ideas!

5) Engage With Influencers

Instagram is a huge social network that can work wonders for your business. Not only does it boast more than 700 million active users, but it’s also one of the top apps for iOS and Android users, with an engagement rate upwards of 16 percent—higher than Twitter (10 percent) and Facebook (2.4 percent).

Instagram For Organic Marketing : By building a solid Instagram following and engaging with influencers, you’ll not only get tons of potential eyes on your product or service—you’ll also get social proof to show off to potential clients.

Here are some tips to help you build an Instagram presence that works: 1. Link photos to your website: Adding links in your profile makes it easy for people to visit your website; just make sure they lead directly where you want them to go!

6) Ask Your Customers Questions

Thanks to tools like Instagram and Twitter, it’s easier than ever to stay in touch with your audience. But how do you turn that engagement into actual leads? By asking questions.

Customers like knowing that their voices are being heard—and by interacting with them on a regular basis, you can learn a lot about your industry, customers, and competitors.

Instagram For Organic Marketing : Plus, people love feeling as though they’re directly influencing brands’ decisions; when you build relationships through listening more than talking and responding accordingly

customers will view your brand more favorably and are more likely to buy from you again. Just be sure not to bombard followers with tons of asks—just share one or two questions per week as part of an overarching social strategy.

7) Take Instagram Stories

Studies have shown that social media users like to see a side of you that’s personal—so don’t be afraid to get a little candid. If you have an adorable pet, show him or her off; if there’s something that makes you proud, share it; if there’s something funny going on in your life, get a quick pic and post it.

People want to know you, so give them a chance to do just that! The good news is that Instagram Stories lets you showcase your personality without taking up too much time. You can also use Instagram Stories to host contests, which is a great way to build followers and generate engagement with potential customers.

It’s not always easy to find organic marketing opportunities for your business, but they are out there if you look hard enough. And when it comes time for some paid advertising, Instagram offers one of the most targeted ad platforms available today—which means it’s perfect for smaller businesses looking to stretch their marketing dollars as far as possible.

8) Get Personal And Show A Side Of Yourself

Instagram For Organic Marketing : Showing your real personality on Instagram is a great way to connect with new customers, especially when you’re a small business. Share your hobbies, lifestyle and interests by posting more personal content.

Show people that you have passions outside of work—people tend to respond better to others who are relatable, so let them see an authentic side of you in your photos.

They’ll be more likely to trust you and even become loyal customers. Just remember not to get too personal or share anything that could hurt your brand image.

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