
How To Viral Youtube Shorts Video (Ai Grow)

Viral Youtube Shorts are short videos that are designed to go viral and attract tons of views, shares, and comments. They’re also known as YouTube Rewinds, YouTube Trends, or any other similar name that’s used to describe them. The following video is an example of what I’m talking about: You can see that it’s only 0:44 seconds long, has 30+ million views, and has over 2 million shares on Facebook alone! So how do you create a video like this?

Viral Youtube Shorts

1) Create something relatable

Your Viral Youtube short video will be competing for attention with a whole lot of other videos. So try to create something relatable and easy-to-understand (think Call Me Maybe or Gangnam Style). Also, it’s important to have a clear call to action at the end of your video; otherwise, you won’t know if people are interested in your product and will probably never see them again.

Once you’ve got your video set up, go ahead and make a few variations—different lengths, different scripts—so that when it’s time to post you can test which one performs best.

2) Keep it short but sweet

Viral Youtube Shorts : You’ve watched those viral videos and marveled at their views, but did you ever wonder what makes them so shareable? As it turns out, making a video that goes viral isn’t easy. You can’t force it to happen (see above), but there are ways to tip your hand in favor of a successful YouTube debut. Here are some tips for producing a video people will want to share.

3) Use a relatable idea as your hook

Be relatable – According to YouTube’s official definition, relatable content is defined as content that evokes an emotional response or reaction from its audience. To make your video relatable, you have to make sure it is relevant and resonates with your target audience.

If you cannot relate to your viewers, they will not be able to relate to you! It may seem obvious but according to YouTube analytics, relatability is one of their most important characteristics for a video to go viral!

4) Diversify Your Channels

More than any other factor, one of the biggest factors for a video going viral is simply exposure. This can happen organically, but if you want to get it there faster (and with less work), your best bet is to spread your content on as many channels as possible.

Promote it on social media accounts like Facebook and Twitter, publish it on your company’s website, post to Reddit and make sure that all of your friends have seen it. If all else fails you can always try advertising!

5) Get Influencers Involved

There are lots of ways to go about promoting your video, but one thing is certain: it will be much easier to get others to share if you already have a large audience. Instead of sitting around hoping people will stumble upon your video and going viral on their own, identify and reach out to influencers in your field (either through social media or email) that you would like to feature in your upcoming video.

And don’t wait until you think everything is perfect! If someone agrees to share something early, ask them for feedback so they can offer suggestions before you finish editing. At least they can help prevent major gaffes before they go live!

6) Promote With Other Videos

You’ve probably heard of some of YouTube’s most successful channels by now. Epic Rap Battles, for example, has over 7.5 million subscribers and counting.

PewDiePie, one of YouTube’s most popular stars, is nearing 35 million subscribers and gets over 5 billion views per month.

What do these two wildly different YouTube celebrities have in common? They don’t promote their videos with other videos—at least not intentionally or in a structured way—and that is one huge factor behind their success.

These people instead choose to promote their channel and new videos using social media platforms such as Facebook and Twitter while interacting with fans on Reddit through AMA (Ask Me Anything) sessions.

7) Get Fun Reviews

Get them early, get them often. A big part of going viral is building momentum through positive reviews and comments. You can set yourself up for success by getting your friends, family, and fans to leave a lot of positive reviews from day one.

That way, when you do go viral (or even if you just start racking up views), your rating will be as high as possible right out of the gate. Don’t let trolls bring you down; ask those close to you to check in on how your content is doing every so often and give feedback (and reviews!) when they visit.

8) Create Consistent Quality Content

Once you have your idea for a short, create it with quality in mind. Make sure your script is interesting and well written. Treat every line as if it’s a joke that could go viral on its own.

Make sure your characters are funny and likable, but not completely unbelievable (think Jim Carrey or Melissa McCarthy). And make sure to perform with energy and good comic timing. If you do all of these things well, your video will have a much higher chance of going viral!

9) Post Strategically

Publishing your content strategically on social media can dramatically increase your views and engagement. Consider posting short clips at scheduled times during peak hours, like in-between lunch breaks. You’ll drive more traffic than simply publishing once or twice and then leaving it up for days on end.

Adding a sense of urgency to a video can also help spur viewers to action, like CLICK TO WATCH THE NEXT EPISODE NOW! Your goal is to engage as many people as possible—and that means creating interesting content that helps you earn likes, comments, shares, and follows from your audience.

So if you want to go viral with YouTube shorts videos… remember that old adage: give them what they want (but make sure it’s funny!).

10) Target International Audiences

If you want your video to go viral and get millions of views, it’s best to make sure it appeals to international audiences. You might think that filming in English will give you a major advantage over other YouTube users. While that may be true in certain areas, in others, not so much.


In fact, according to data from Google Trends: The United States is one of only three countries where searches for ‘YouTube’ outpace searches for ‘Google’.

This means that if most people in a country are already looking up how-to’s on Google, but not necessarily on YouTube (or vice versa), they’re unlikely to see your video even if you do film it in their native language! Keep your eye on local search trends when coming up with ideas for viral videos.

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