
Beginner’s Guide to Pinterest Ads Campaigns

Pinterest ads campaigns, a great way to market your business and gain new customers from the popular social networking site Pinterest. In fact, Pinterest advertising may be one of the best ways to generate more traffic to your website, thanks to its high conversion rates, low cost per click (CPC), and high return on investment.

This article will tell you everything you need to know about how Pinterest ads work, what they cost, and how you can get started setting up your first campaign.Pinterest has become the next big thing when it comes to advertising on social media platforms.

Pinterest Ads Campaigns

More and more companies are now spending their ad dollars to get in front of the right people on Pinterest. As a small business owner, you might be wondering how Pinterest ads campaigns work,

how they can benefit your business, and how much they cost? Well, wonder no more! This guide is all about Pinterest ads campaigns and will tell you everything you need to know about how Pinterest can help grow your business as well as how to get started with your own ad campaign.

How Does It Work?

First, decide what you want your campaign to accomplish. If you have products on your website that are for sale, a targeted Pinterest ads campaign can be used as an alternative to Google AdWords and Facebook advertising.

For instance, if you’re selling purses online and want to drive people back to your website, then creating an ad with a link that says Shop Now or Get It Now is a smart choice.

Similarly, if you run a physical store but aren’t sure how many customers come from different locations within driving distance of your store, then use geographic targeting in your ad copy so that it appears only when viewed by people who live near (or travel frequently through) those regions.

How To Create An Ad

Using these tools you can set up a Pin Ad in just a few minutes. When you create an ad, you’ll be able to choose your targeting criteria, select specific boards and upload your first pin. From there it’s just a matter of choosing which networks you want your ad to appear on (Facebook, Twitter, etc.) and how much you want to spend per day.

Pins are served as Promoted Pins across our network of display partners and promoted through social channels such as Facebook. Your ads will then begin displaying when people search for relevant keywords related to your product or service in their natural behavior on social media or other digital platforms like desktop or mobile web. Whether they click on it or not is completely up to them!

The Best Pins For Your Banners

When creating a banner ad on Pins, use relevant images. If you’re selling workout clothes, include images of people exercising or wearing your clothing. This will help you get more clicks and attract more potential customers.

Use keyword-focused text for your captions as well; doing so will make it easier for people to find you when they search for similar products. Finally, don’t be afraid to start out small with your campaign budget.

It can take a few tries before you nail down an effective ad that gets results, so spend a little bit of money each time and tweak accordingly.

How Much Does A Pin Cost?

Businesses have different marketing goals and budgets. Therefore, you’ll see two cost tiers for Pins – impression bids and click bids. Impression bids are how much you’re willing to pay per 1,000 impressions (viewable by your target audience).

Click bids are how much you’re willing to pay per 1-2 clicks from your target audience. You can increase or decrease your bid amount depending on whether or not you want more exposure through impressions or if you want more people interacting with your Pins.

Build A Campaign That Works

The best way to build a campaign that works is to spend time up front planning. Before you do anything else, consider what your goal for a Pinterest ad campaign is and why you want it.

What do you want it to accomplish? Do you need more traffic or sales? Are you trying to encourage engagement on your website or increase followers on social media? Once you have that figured out, list out every possible idea of how each action might be accomplished, along with all of their variables.

For example, if your goal is to drive traffic back to your site and bring in new followers who can become long-term customers, come up with as many different ways as possible that will lead people toward those goals.

Where And When Do I Place My Banners?

Once you decide where you want your campaign to live, you can then move on to picking your banner sizes. You have a few options here: First, when it comes to total impressions, bigger is better.

So if you’re considering different banner sizes, go with one that fills up as much of your layout space as possible—like 250×500 or 320×100. If it doesn’t fit in those dimensions exactly, that’s OK; put it somewhere that works for your overall layout.

What Is CPC And CPM?

(CPC) is how much your ad costs every time it’s clicked, while (CPM) is how much you pay every time your ad shows up. For example, if you choose a CPC bid of $0.50 and a CPM bid of $10, and someone clicks on your ad 10 times per day, your total daily cost will be $5 ($0.50 x 10 clicks).

If no one clicks on your ad at all that day, you won’t pay anything—no matter what you set as your daily budget. A low CPM can help bring in more traffic over time since you’ll pay for each impression but not each click.

Creating An Effective Ad (Copy & Image)

Now that you know what you can advertise and how much your campaign will cost, it’s time to create your ad. First and foremost, be direct and simple in your copy. The more a user has to read or decipher in an ad, the less likely they are to click on it.

That’s why one of Pinterest’s biggest requirements for advertising is that every image needs a single call-to-action button text—like Shop Now, Sign Up Now, etc.—and only one (1).

For even better results, make sure that text sits directly under your main image with no distractions (no other images or texts), since it will be clearly visible and front-and-center on all users’ screens.

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