Facebook marketing tips for beginners (rock Follower)

Facebook marketing tips : If you’re launching your own Facebook business page or simply want to optimize your existing page, these are the best Facebook marketing tips you can use to drive conversions, brand awareness, and of course, traffic. Many of these strategies require little-to-no financial investment, so they’re great to implement even if you don’t have a ton of money to spend on advertising. Without further ado, here are the best Facebook marketing tips for beginners.

Facebook marketing tips

Understand your audience

Be sure to use your Facebook fan page to your advantage. In order to figure out how to market effectively, you need to understand who you’re talking to and what they want. For example, if you sell organic body care products geared toward men and women in their early 20s, it’s a good idea to make sure that your Facebook content is relevant and appropriate for those demographics—it makes no sense to be posting about how much you love yoga when most of your fans aren’t at all interested in yoga.

It’s also important not only know who you’re talking to but also where they are—are most of them from Chicago or New York? Do they prefer more serious Facebook posts or things like memes? Are most of them college-educated or non-college educated?

Create a Facebook Business Page

Facebook Business Pages are free to create and provide you with a professional, branded presence on Facebook. They also offer you more space than a personal profile to highlight your products or services. However, creating one is as simple as liking any business page on Facebook and filling out a few basic details.

You can then edit your new page’s cover photo, add information about your business, and fill out your business information (such as hours of operation). Your cover photo is an excellent spot to direct users back to important pages on your website like an About Us or Contact Us section so make sure to direct people back there when possible.

Add photos and videos to your page

Adding photos and videos to your Facebook page can really help it stand out. But how do you take a good-looking photo or video? We’ve got some quick and easy tips to help you capture something your followers will want to see. You should also think about adding text, which can be an effective way of grabbing users’ attention on Facebook.

In fact, one survey found that 51% of online users say they read posts with images more than those without pictures—so make sure you give yourself plenty of space to write in your description area.

Build an engaging community

Facebook marketing tips : There are two main ways to build an engaging community on Facebook. The first is to invite people who might be interested in your brand, product or service to like your page.

These invites can be automated—that is, you can run a series of ads targeting specific groups within Facebook based on things like likes and interests—or you can get personal with friends and family. You should also use your email list to drive traffic to your Facebook page and encourage people to like it.

Keep it simple!

Facebook marketing tips : Before you dive into a new campaign, it’s important to remember that all businesses are different. Take time to learn about your target audience and find out what kind of social media platform they frequent most.

In addition, take time to understand which platforms are better suited for B2B (business-to-business) or B2C (business-to-consumer) companies and how your strategy should reflect those preferences.

For example, if your business typically uses email or direct mail as its primary marketing channel, Facebook might not be an ideal choice—but it could be perfect if your audience is already heavily engaged with content shared on social media.

Use short videos to attract attention

Research shows that Internet users tend to respond better to short videos, which makes them an effective means of attracting attention. If you’re new to Facebook marketing, creating a video and posting it on your timeline is a good way to start building an audience quickly.

Facebook marketing tips : Since Facebook’s algorithm favors photos and videos over text-based posts, posting content in shorter bursts can help gain more exposure on social media. Create one video explaining your product or service in detail and post it on your page; then, after it goes live, schedule additional posts as video responses to increase its visibility.

Facebook marketing tips : Add a call-to-action at the end of each video to get viewers interested in your business without forcing them to click away from Facebook in order to visit your website or make an inquiry.

Send out regular posts – but don’t spam them!

Make a schedule and stick to it! Posts sent out at regular intervals – even if they’re not all filled with new content – will help you keep your page fresh in people’s minds. But don’t spam, either. Quality is more important than quantity when it comes to posting on Facebook.

This is just as true when trying to grow your business page as it is when communicating with friends. Keep your posts engaging by adding links to funny videos or other content that you think fans would enjoy, but avoid sharing links more than once a day (or twice a week).

Facebook marketing tips : As for adding pictures of your product or service, remember that quality matters above all else, so make sure any images you share are high-quality ones that don’t appear grainy and pixelated.

Choose eye-catching text fonts

Facebook marketing tips : If you don’t have a strong sense of branding and identity, picking fonts can be stressful. There are, however, a few guidelines that will help you make better decisions.

Text fonts should be easy to read and appealing—usually sans serif or fat letters fonts (like Arial or Georgia) work well—but they also need to fit your branding. If you’re in an industry with more conservative brands, stick with something more understated.

Facebook marketing tips : If your brand is already unconventional or loud, feel free to go bolder. But whatever you do, don’t go overboard. Too many colors and styles can overwhelm readers and hurt brand recognition over time.


Help people get what they want from you

If you want to be successful on Facebook, you’ll need to think about what your customers want. You might know it instinctively, but other times you’ll have to do a little extra research. Try going out and talking to people—maybe at an event or conference or some kind of networking gathering.

Or see if there are discussion boards online where people are asking questions about your product or industry. Find out what they want and start offering it (ideally in a way that makes them feel like they got more than they expected). If their needs aren’t specific enough, do some research into other companies in your niche—and figure out how yours is better/different/unique from theirs.

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