How To Increase Your Twitter Followers

If you’re reading this, then you’re probably considering growing your Twitter followers, or have no idea how to do so in the first place. Increasing your followers on Twitter can seem difficult and time-consuming, but with these 10 steps, you can see success in no time at all!

Create A Great Bio

In 140 characters or less, your bio needs to make people want to follow you. It’s important to make sure that your bio is interesting enough so that people will take a look at it and realize what kind of person you are. Take advantage of all 140 characters by adding in a link or two as well as any details about yourself (i.e., where you work, what school you went to). Don’t be afraid to put in a fun fact or two.

Use Hashtags

Hashtags are an excellent way to get more people looking at your tweets. However, not just any hashtag will do. You’ll want to use a hashtag that is in-demand by many other users of twitter, but one that hasn’t been overused by anyone else as well.

The best way to determine if a certain hashtag has been overused is simply looking at how many times it has been used in a recent 24 hour period. If it’s too high, then you should probably try another one instead and just hope that you can jump on board when everyone else tires of using it again later down the road.

Reply And Reply Quickly

Getting mentioned on Twitter is a quick way to get more followers. But don’t wait until you are asked for a response. Reply to tweets you like and encourage conversations when they make sense. Be sure to keep up with replying, even if your replies are short and simple – especially if they’re short and simple.

Make your engagement level visible by using tools like TweetDeck or Hootsuite which allow you to schedule tweets in advance and see how many times people interacted with your account over a certain period of time. Stay engaged all throughout! This will help establish an online presence quickly without having to do much work.

Tweet Consistently

Consistency and frequency are your friend when it comes to gaining followers. Tweeting only occasionally, or worse, just sporadically won’t grow your follower count quickly. On average, you should tweet at least a few times per day to gain more followers.

There’s no hard-and-fast rule for how often you should tweet but generally, a minimum of three times per day is recommended. Take note that hashtags should be used in every tweet! You don’t want to spam people with hashtag usage—just use one or two hashtags in each post.

This will help you become easily discoverable by people who search for topics related to what you tweet about. Hashtags can also help find new audiences if they use them too.

Link Back To Twitter From Other Sites

One effective way to do so is by using a service like AddThis, which allows you to add social-media buttons to your site. Just click on Share Buttons in your account settings and choose AddThis from a drop-down menu.

Once you pick out your button design, enter the code snippet provided into one of your posts or pages and it will automatically appear in that spot on your site. Then, share it across all of your other sites using widgets.

Make Connections And Network

If you’re new to social media, your first instinct will be to jump in and start pushing content at people, but that’s not how things work. If you approach it as a way to make connections with others, rather than as a way to promote yourself, your followers will come on their own.

Participate in social media communities and join relevant groups where your target audience hangs out. Engage in conversation; ask questions and comment on others’ posts.

Identify Key Influencers And Target Them With Tweets

The more followers you have, your tweets are more likely to be seen. Having a few high-profile people follow you back will encourage their followers to check out your page.

Make sure that these influencers can bring value to your platform, such as by tweeting about what you’re doing, recommending you for business opportunities or interviewing you for their blogs and podcasts.

Keep track of your network by asking other influential users (who aren’t in your network) to recommend others that would be good connections. Don’t ask everyone they know; just one or two so they don’t get annoyed and block you! Asking influencers could also help them identify one another within their networks and make great connections, who knows!

Retweet And Quote Other People’s Tweets

Doing so will not only help you to increase your number of followers but will also give you an opportunity to show off how much you know about your industry. The more relevant tweets and information you share, the higher your Klout score, which can lead to more followers for you in turn.

Don’t overdo it though; retweeting too many times or quoting other people’s tweets too much could come across as unprofessional and is likely to annoy people on Twitter. Be smart about it – try not to quote or retweet from other users more than once a day, or roughly every five minutes. (Hootsuite)

Optimize Images For Retweets And Likes.

Not every tweet needs to be just your normal link, text, or question. Get creative and try out different types of tweets. The most popular option is to create lists of other relevant Twitter accounts.

It’s a great way to quickly build relationships with people and get more followers on Twitter at the same time. You can also use TweetDeck to make things easier if you are running multiple accounts simultaneously.

Get Featured In Mentioned Mentions

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